Book 8 >> HYMN 91 - Agni

कन्या वारवायती सोममपि सरुताविदत |
अस्तं भरन्त्यब्रवीदिन्द्राय सुनवै तवा शक्राय सुनवै तवा
English:- . LORD of the house, Sage, ever young, high power of life, O Agni, God,
Thou givest to thy worshipper.

असौ य एषि वीरको गर्हं-गर्हं विचाकशद |
इमं जम्भसुतं पिब धानावन्तं करम्भिणमपूपवन्तमुक्थिनम
English:- So with our song that prays and serves, attentive, Lord of spreading light,
Agni, bring hitherward the Gods.

आ चन तवा चिकित्सामो.अधि चन तवा नेमसि |
शनैरिव शनकैरिवेन्द्रायेन्दो परि सरव
English:- For, Ever-Youthful One, with thee, best Furtherer, as our ally,
We overcome, to win the spoil.

कुविच्छकत कुवित करत कुविन नो वस्यसस करत |
कुवित पतिद्विषो यतीरिन्द्रेण संगमामहै
English:- As Aurva Bhṛgu used, as Apnavāna used, I call the pure
Agni who clothes him with the sea.

इमानि तरीणि विष्टपा तानीन्द्र वि रोहय |
शिरस्ततस्योर्वरामादिदं म उपोदरे
English:- 1 call the Sage who sounds like wind, the Might that like Parjanya roars,
Agni who clothes him with the sea.

असौ च या न उर्वरादिमां तन्वं मम |
अथो ततस्य यच्छिरः सर्वा ता रोमशा कर्धि
English:- As Savitar's productive Power, as him who sends down bliss, I call
Agni who clothes him with the sea.

खे रथस्य खे.अनसः खे युगस्य शतक्रतो |
अपालामिन्द्रत्रिष पूत्व्यक्र्णोः सूर्यत्वचम
English:- Hither, for powerful kirship, I call Agni, him Who prospers you,
Most frequent at our solemn rites